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What is a Material Ingredient Inventory (Manufacturer Inventory)?

The manufacturer's inventory is an often-overlooked opportunity to fulfill the LEED v4.1 MR Credit: Material Ingredients. It is little to no cost and does not require a yearly fee. Simply satisfy the document requirement and make it publicly available, and the manufacturer can contribute to the credit.

A Material Ingredient Inventory (MI) lists materials and their properties. It includes the chemical inventory of the product to at least 0.1% (1,000 ppm). The following must be included in the complaint report:

  1. Product name(s) and/or product line(s) covered by the report

  2. Unique document ID number of the report

  3. Expiration date for the report

  4. All ingredients must be identified by name, Chemical Abstract Service Registration Number (CASRN), and/or European Community Number (EC Number). This means that every ingredient that goes into your product must be accounted for in the final product to the threshold.

  5. GreenScreen Hazard score or List Translator score for each substance.

  6. Materials defined as a trade secret or intellectual property may withhold the name and/or CASRN/EC Number but must disclose ingredient/chemical role, amount, and hazard score/class.

Labeling Sustainability can also verify the Manufacturer's Inventory document.

At Labeling Sustainability, we perform Material Ingredient Inventories for Manufacturers in the ISO format for a Supplier Declaration of Conformity.

What is a Supplier Declaration of Conformity?

ISO/IEC 17050-1:2004 governs the Supplier Declaration of Conformity. This is a document that the supplier provides as part of their product transparency process. The Supplier Declaration of Conformity describes the document's purpose, lists applicable standards, and includes information about how to use it.

The supplier must sign this declaration on behalf of their company or organization using an authorized signature stamp. Therefore, when you receive a Supplier Declaration of Conformity from your suppliers, it should be signed by their representative, who has the authority to make such statements on behalf of the company or organization (such as an executive officer). A paper copy may be provided as well as an electronic version (in PDF format).

Combining the Manufacturer Inventory with the Supplier Declaration of Conformity format allows the information to be provided to the LEED project team in a standardized format accepted globally.

LEED v4.1 Credit Requirement, Option 1 for 1 point

Use at least 20 different permanently installed products from at least five different manufacturers that use any of the following programs to demonstrate the chemical inventory of the product to at least 0.1% (1,000 ppm). (10 different permanently installed products from at least three different manufacturers for CS and Warehouses & Distribution Centers)

Presented by

Denice Viktoria Staaf

LEED AP BD+C, Fitwel Ambassador, EPD & HPD Approved Preparer

ESG Consultant and Circularity Expert



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